The Westminster Gazette proposes that the details of the New
Irish Land Bill shall be settled on an equitable basis by an agreement between the two parties ; and several Irish papers, including the Northern Whig, have spoken well of the plan. For ourselves, we can only express hearty approval. No doubt, from a mere party point of view, the Unionists should do nothing to help the Government out of the intoler- able quagmire of schemes which they have prepared for next Session. The chance of doing something to put the Irish Land question on a fairer and more reasonable basis is, how- ever, one which cannot be missed in order to score a party advantage. We would rather see even this Government helped out of a difficulty than that. We would trust Mr. Morley, Mr. Balfour, and Mr. T. W. Russell to arrange a compromise which should be fair to all parties, and fulfil the intentions of the Land Act.