12 JULY 1935, Page 19


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Publishers and authors are generous in their willingness to see their works quoted. But, being human, they like to see acknowledgment made to the sources of the quotations and 'that the statements made are in fact quotations. May we quote in parallel columns a certain passage in the Majority Report of the Committee of Convocation Of Canterbury and York on The Church and Marriage and a passage from Marriage, Children, and God, a book by Mr. Claud Mullins, the. London magistrate, published by us in 1933 ? Marriage, Children and God. " Who is there that will deny that a child has a right to expect from its parents (1) a reasonable expectation of physical and mental health ; (2) love and care of both parents and (3) physical maintenance during dependence."

There is no acknowledgment in the episcopal Report to Mr. Claud Mullins' book. While we rejoice to see a Look published by us being thus accepted by an influential Com- mittee of Bishops, we cannot help feeling that that Committee might have set an example of giving credit where credit is due.

Report p. 27.

" Every child coming into the world has a right to claim from its parents at least (1) a reason- able expectation of physical and mental health ; (2) the love and care of both parents ; and (3) physical maintenance during the years of dependence."

—Yours faithfully, STANLEY UNWIN.

George Allen and Unwin Ltd., (Governing Director.) 40, Museum Street, W .C.1.