12 JULY 1935, page 1

Offices 99 Gower St., London, W.c.1. : Musuum 1721. Entered

as second-class Mail Matter at the New York., N. Y. Post Office, Dec. 23rd, 1890, p os t a l su b scr i p ti on 30s. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage an this issue :......

Austria And The Hapsburgs The Decision Of The Austrian...

to lift the ban on the return of members of the Hapsburg family to Austria, and to restore their confiscated property or its equivalent, means at the moment no more than it......

News Of The Week

I T would be a mistake to attach too much weight to the confident declarations of various organs of the Paris Press on France's policy respecting Abyssinia, and it is a pity......

The Arms Embargo Problem One Direct Issue Arising Out Of

the existing tension between Italy and Abyssinia is dealt with in a Note addressed by the Abyssinian Government to Great Britain, France and Belgium, protesting against the......