Snt,—With reference to the article " The Peril of Ireland
" hi your last issue, the attention of your readers should be drawn to the grave fact that all-Ireland unity means all-Ireland neutrality. This in turn means the withdrawal of all British forces from Northern Ireland in fact; the ousting of everything British and the withdrawal of 'Northern Ireland from the war. If the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, and you yourself, Sir, desire that Northern Ireland. should now desert Britain in these hours of crisis; leaving the field open to Hitler, let them say so. Confirmation of what I have stated may be found in the speeches and stAtements of Eire Ministers,
more especially in the speech made by the Eire Minister of Defence on Sunday, June 3oth, and reported in the following day's Irish Press.
Northern Ireland has not the remotest intention of abandoning her place in Britain, joining a neutral country, and helping Hitler to invade Ireland. To suggest that Northern Ireland should become
neutral is stark madness.—Yours, &c., M. Govsx. [Our article made it as plain as words could make it that Ulster could not be expected to join a neutral Eire.—En., The Spectator.]