The Aliens. Problem
Sns,—I am concerned With the lack of knowledge displayed by many of the critics of aliens who are resident in this country. There would appear to be no distinction made between......
Sir, —i Should Like To Support Frau Steuer's Appeal In Last
week's issue of The Spectator. On every side one hears of families being separated through the recent internment orders affecting all categories of enemy aliens ; these orders......
Letters To The Editor
[In view of the paper shortage it is essential that letters on these pages should be brief. We are anxious not to reduce the number of letters, but unless they are shorter they......
• Hope You Will Allow Someone To Suggest In Your
columns that there is a case for the internment of enemy aliens. It is undeniable that there are enemy agents in this country, and one of the easiest disguises for a spy to......
National Unity
Sim,—In your comments on the week's news you say that the strength of the present Government lies in the fact that. it genuinely repre- sents all parties, " and proceed to......