SIR,—Questions are being asked by many people as to which Govern- ment Department is making itself responsible for the erection of posts and other barriers on open spaces.
This seems to me to be a job for the Air Ministry only. That Ministry should make itself responsible for the whole planning and, where necessary, the full cost of this work. A further reason why the Air Ministry must do this is because it is possible that so many of our fields will be traps for aircraft that our air pilots—the novices and the trained ones—will, with their machines, be damaged when they make forced landings. Certain fields in every district should be kept open, but well guarded by military or L.D.V., so that our thousands of pilots will have safe landings away from their own dromes. In the last war I was glad on three occasions to use farmers' small fields for forced landings.—Yours faithfully, Laurel Road, St. Helens, Lancs. WM. VAN SCHAIC:K.