Sro,—The morale of the Allies has been lowered by an exaggerated respect for the recent triumphs of German arms. An admitted element in these triumphs is the fanatical courage of the best German troops, but it should also be realised that the amazing success of the enemy has only been obtained by the use of other factors which are rightly execrated by every decent human being. I refer to the lying propa- ganda, the treacherous Fifth Column activities, and the deliberate fright- fulness employed against civilians in the battle-zones to produce panic. Even the technical efficiency of the German war machine has only been built up by a prostitution of science and energy to the degrading worship of war as good.
Victory obtained by lying, treachery, frightfulness and the worship of evil may earn contempt, but not respect, and if success in modern totalitarian war can only be won by methods which outrage all decent human feelings victory with honour may be a chimaera.—Yours, &c., Astley, Dorman Park, near East Grinstead. T. H. IBBETSON.