Doublethink about God
Sir: My name has entered into the exchanges on religion between Kenneth Allsop and Quintin Hogg (21 June) and I should like to make clear that I have a foot in both camps.
What is suggested by my books The Passover Plot and now Those Incredible Christians is that religion and theology are products of human speculation and contrivance, arising from factors such as environment, culture, individual qualities and particular circumstances and con- ditions. They have no permanent validity as ex- pressions of truth or as revelations of the being ut God.
On the other hand they do contribute to the recognition of a growth in awareness, in man's iskas and consciousness, his purposefulness and (-a five ability. These characteristics and a
• utit-in mysticism offer some evidence that ere is an impulsion beyond exact definition a-king in and directing man. The cause of the prompting, the patterning. and experienced pro- 14tialities, we are surely entitled to term the tiod-forcg in nature and in history.
Hugh I. Schonfield 35 Hyde Park Square, London W2