No. 509: Paper Chase
COMPETITION Set by E. 0. Parrott: Heart transplants, liver transplants, kidney transplants. Where will it all end? It looks as though there is going to be a big new trade in......
No. 507: The Winners
Trevor Grove reports: Competitors were incited to submit sextract from a newspaper retort, critical review or davertisement rendered articularl} apposite by the occurrence of a......
Crossword No.1334
Across 1 Levelling ont as day fades (7) 5 Water-jumps? (7) 9 'Out flew the web and — wide' (Tennyson) (7) 10 Range-finder of stealthy intent (7) 11 What the dominie does down in......
Chess No. 395
PHILIDOR Black White 8 men 8 men H. Hermanson (1st Prize, Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs, 1953). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 394......