[TO TER EDITOR or TUB "SPECTAT011.1 SIR,—The concluding sentence of
the letter of the Bishop of Carlisle in your issue of May 29th will, I believe, call forth a widespread response amongst moderate Churchmen. His Lordship writes that both cases "point to the necessity for a revision of the Prayer-book to meet the needs of our age, which is in so many respects diverse from that in which the Book took its present form." But the trouble is that both the High and the Low Church parties find safety in the present confusion, and neither will put their case to the test of a revision in the light of twentieth-century needs. The extremists are returned to Diocesan Conferences and Con- vocation, and we in the middle are unorganised and helpless, and see both parties put their own construction on rubrics, &c. Personally I am out of sympathy with the constant introduction of ever higher ritual into the Communion Services of my parish church, and am slowly drifting into reading the services at home, and I believe there must be many moderates like myself who are thus withdrawing from active Church life. Is the case of the moderates hopeless P—I am, Sir, &c.,