Welsh Disestablishment.
[TO TUE EDITOR Or TUB " SPECTATOR."1 should like to offer a few observations on the letters on the above subject which appeared in your issue of the 22nd ult. (1) Your......
The "duchess Of Milan."
rre nurroit 1 . 1111 "ernackToe."1 SIR, — May I express some heretical views upon the subject of purchasing pictures for the National Gallery ? Why was money wasted upon a......
Turkey And Crete.
[To ThU EDITOR Or Till " SrllertrOn."] SIR, — The following opinion of a German naval commander, Captain Rudolf von Labres (author of "Politik und Seekrieg"), may not be without......
Gladstone And Home-rule.
[TO TUB EDITOR Or TUB ErSCTATOft."J should be very sorry to think that I had done any injustice to a memory so illustrious as that of Gladstone (see Spectator, May 1st). I have......
Do Animals Reason P
[TO TUB EDITOt Or TAM "SrlIOTATOR."] StR, — In the very interesting article entitled "Do Animals Reason?" in your issue of June 5th you cite a paradox of Mr. Brewater's which......
[to Tilt Editor Or Tat " Srpotatoil"i
am indebted to the Bishop of St. Asaph for pointing out in your issue of May 29th that in the instructions issued in 1889 the "hearers" column wee to include communicants and......