12 JUNE 1909, Page 18


am indebted to the Bishop of St. Asaph for pointing out in your issue of May 29th that in the instructions issued in 1889 the "hearers" column wee to include communicants and every one oleo who is accustomed to be a hearer with the Connexion, including the children. In the Diary "hearers" is still the beading of the total column, although the word is usually applied to non-communicants. In the Year-Book the " total " heading has been altered into "hearers, including communicants." It is very probable that in future the returns will be issued in an improved form. This also applies to Mr. Frank Morgan's first paragraph. In reply to his second para- graph, my figures were based upon ,official and semi-official returns, and I invite him to prove that they are not correct so far as I am concerned.—I am, Sir, &c., 4 Castle Terrace, Aberystwyth.