12 JUNE 1909, Page 2

Major Enver Bey, who has returned to his post of

Military Attache at Berlin, has expressed himself, as we learn from the Morning Post, with uncompromising clearness on the Cretan crisis to representatives of the Tageblait and the Temps. He declared that it was absolutely out of the qedstion for Turkey to settle the affair by the financial method. "We shall leave the decision loyally and liberally to the perspicacious judgment of the Powers; but if the worst comes to the worst—and I firmly believe matters are drifting in that direction—the breaking loose of Crete will mean war." He explained that Turkey, though she could not submit to further dismemberment, respected Cretan autonomy; and had no wish to reintroduce her authority. The best plan weuld be for the protecting Powers to allow their troops to remain. "If disorders continue when the troops have withdrawn, Turkey will be obliged to restore order. Europe assumes a grave responsibility in deciding to vrithdraw; and this responsi- bility would be the greater in the event of war, which would certainly fellow if Greece took the opportunity to declare the annexation of Crete." Major Enver Bey's influence and prestige lend a significance to these words of warning which, Viewed in the light of his official position, they would not otherwise possess. And we must add that the Con- stantinople correspondent of the Times in Friday's paper emphasises all that Major Enver Bey says. Tutkey ih visibly preparing for war. He thinks, however, that as the position of the Greek Government is perfectly correct, the warnings are really designed to induce Britain, Russia, France, and Italy to keep their troops in Crete.