A Little Green World. By J. E. Buckrose. (Hutchinson and
Co. 600—This is a charming story of life in a village, and the heroine, Lydia Bell, is a very attractive creature. The reader, however, will probably be sorry that Lydia should have fallen in love with and married the extremely uninteresting man who fills the part which in theatrical circles would be called that of "the leading juvenile." Jack Markham— such is his name—is a thoroughly commonplace figure, while James Bonning, the millionaire who is desperately in love with Lydia, contrives to be almost heroic in his unselfish renunciation of his promised bride. Neither Jack Markham nor James Donning, however, is the real hero of the book, for Tommy Grant may be said to occupy that proud position. Ho is a small boy of the genus enfant terrible, and is perfectly delightful to read about, whatever he may have been to meet in real life. A Little Green World is a most attractive book, and will leave its readers in a better temper with the world and life when they have finished it.