SIR,—The article by Dr. Dunsheath on " Industry and Education " your issue of June sth deals wisely with a problem of increasing 3 r. portance. Perhaps I may be allowed to offer him the support of one IN girls one day a week " to attend an educational establishment at industr has had experience, over several years, of the effect of giving boys a expense and under the wise guidance of industry co-operating with educational authorities."
I have no doubt of the value of this to industrial progress, to relations between employers and employed, and to the national prosper but I confess that I am even more interested in its value to the boys girls themselves, and I venture to suggest that Dr. Dunsheath's adnura programme would acquire a more compelling aspect if it could be ba
on the suggestion that those who have the power to give them these opportunities should regard the exercise of it as a personal responsibility towards the youths who are our future citizens.—Yours faithfully,
EDWARD WIISRAW (Chairman and Managing Director),
Cable and Wireless, Limited, Electra House, W.C. 2.