52,—to Anyone At All Concerned At The Results Of Education
in this country, the article by Dr. Percy Dunsheath will come as an encourage- ment. Going about as I do in connexion with the Army Bureau of Current Affairs, I am appalled at......
Savage Landor
,—A reviewer may be as ungenerous in his judgements as he pleases ; may be derisively insulting, as Wilson was to Hazlitt, personally ,drnIous, as Lockhart to Leigh Hum—he may......
British Restaurants And Fees
SIR,--1 have recently learnt that the Performing Rights Society proposes, with the approval of the Ministry of Food, to demand fees from Local Authorities who have installed and......
The Wage-earner's Teeth
—I have read with interest the recent correspondence appearing in Spectator on the above subject, and as your correspondent, J. L. ler, rightly refers to the lack of provision......
Industry And Education
SIR, —The article by Dr. Dunsheath on " Industry and Education " your issue of June sth deals wisely with a problem of increasing 3 r. portance. Perhaps I may be allowed to......