—I have read with interest the recent correspondence appearing in Spectator on the above subject, and as your correspondent, J. L. ler, rightly refers to the lack of provision for dental treatment for adolescent, I thought your readers might be interested to hear of the escent dental scheme worked in Worthing by the local Council of
I Service. For some years the Council of Social Service has run dental scheme for the treatment of necessitous adults, who were in- ble for treatment horn any other source, but realising the great need of the adolescent a further scheme was initiated five years ago and has been most successfully operated ever since.'
All children leaving elementary schools are entitled to participate providing that they have a certificate of dental fitness from the school dentist on leaving school. The Council of Social Service then allocates the patient to one of the dental surgeons working on a rota, and he is responsible for treatment during the time the patient is a member of the scheme. The charges are is. 6d per unit for those earning tos. or less weekly, or 2s. 6d. pet unit for those earning Lt or less weekly. A con- dition of the scheme is that the patient visit. the denust every six months and a small fine is levied it the appointment is not kept.
Membership of the scheme ceases when (a) Earnings reach more than LI weeitly.
(b) National Health dental benefit is obtainable.
(c) Twenty years a age is reached.
All moneys collected from the patient are paid by the dental surgeon into a central fund held by the Worthing Council of Social Service, with which it is hoped one day to found a dental clinic m the town. The success of the scheme has been entirely dependent on the interest and generosity of the dental surgeons, and the interest and co-operation shown by the school dental officer and his stall. It will thus be seen that in Worthing, at any rate, it is possible for a child to have continuous treatment from babyhood until grown-up. If any .if your readers would like to know more of the scheme, which is the only one of its kind in the country, I shall be only too glad to let than have particulars. E. ivisniotn. Hon. Secretary, Worthing Council of Social Service. ti Liverpool Terrace, Worthing, Sussex.