Arrived—At Gravesend, 'March 6th, Andromeda, Gales, from Van Diemen's Land; and !nth, Thomas Snook, Brown, from Bengal. At Deal, lOth. Eliza, Stewart, Miller from China; and Rio Packet, Deach, from Madagascar. At Doblin.StIL Hens,. &antilop from China, At St. Helena. Jau.7th, Mirander, Hopper, Capricorn, Smith and 9th. Pother, Nicholson, from blestittne; esti Uth, Scotia, Randolph, front Bengal. At the
Cape, Dec. 24th. Hibernia, Gillies ; 25th. Mermaid, Chapman ; and 31st. Catheri
Rose from London ; Jan. 3:1, Skelly, from Liverpool; 5th, Marian, from Loudon; 7th, Bengal, Ritchie, from Bengal; and 8th. Itm. al George, %1 47011. from Bombay. At Bengal. Oct. 26th, Duke u( Bucciettgh, Bennie:: ; Robert reicher. Herefordshire. --; and Loudon, —; Nov. Georgiatta, 1 hoe,
Grey, Talbert, from London ; and Bland, Callen, from Liverpool ; 9th,
Duke of Sill*NeX. Horseman : Arab, Hparkes ; Ludy Charlotte: Keen : Nth, 01,,, lizip"71 General K yd, A pliu ; lied Rover, Christie ; and Before. Doha:; and •M a ,00 is c too,t, I,, Gribble, from Loudon; Statesman, Outlier ; Mary Bibby, Ne.ale t. .Fat *-sr
, ;Ma, Froth:rs;
Selma, Adams: Gipsy. Highat ; Belhaven. Cranford ; Cordelm, I. rig pow; no Geo, Suited—From Gaseoigne, Kirby, from Liverpool ; and Arabian. Brown. from It'. Mei.
Gravesend. Mardi 5th, Orwell, Lancaster; and ts ,,,:itio.dpb, cheap,.
for Madras ; Hashenty, Ilyde, for Bombay ; and 9th. Charles Clraut, Devett, 1M
Arrived—At St. lichens. Jan. 16th. Coldstream, Burt, fror ichi,,n; 18th, Lord Ewa. Wilkinson. from Singapore; liblt. Ann Baldwin, Con'
*mt. from Chins ; anti
James Parker, Brown. irons Manilla; 20th. Breathe.. Pearse • , trool'lleurarslen. Brown
from ditto; Cornelia. Beard. from litotal : owl 21s1,
Mauritius. At Mauritius, Dec. 12th, Eagle, Patterson; :and :Rory. Taslor,— Let its see how this piece oft.Tory malice will work. from London. At Bengal. Nov. 4th, Elizabeth, Whstur. t sum the Clyde. At China' Balearres. Hine; Lord Lowther, G rant ; and Alfred. Tal'l ..Y.:, from Lortilon; Jeannette,
Sailed—From Gravesend, March Otis. Asia. Pearson, llr:liadras ; anti Iltit. Achilles Donald ; and Ripley, Stewart, for Bengal; and :. i I., Wanderer, Cobb, tor Bombay.