12 MARCH 1836, page 2

23tbatesi Atttr Prater/rim/it In Vadiamtnt. 1. Reform Of...

CORPORATIONS. In the House of Commons, on Monday, Lord JOHN RUSSELL moved the order of the day for the second reading of the Irish Muni cipal Bill. On the question being put,......

The Intelligence From The Insurgent Provinces Of Spain Is...

contradictory, as far as warlike operations are concerned. The last accounts state that ESPARTERO, the Queen's General, had en- tered Bilboa with a considerable force ; that......

News Of The Week.

THE comparative strength of parties in the House of Commons as fairly tested on Wednesday morning ; when a division took place on the motion of Lord FRANCIS EGERTON to instruct......

About 400 Persons, Who Are Described As Being Polish...

have been expelled from Cracow ; and a body of Cossacks has been despatched to scour the neighbouring country of others, who are suspected of being concealed in the woods, and......

No Question Affecting The Stability Of The French...

as yet, been discussed in the Chamber of Deputies. The union be- tween THIERS and ODILLON BARROT was not of long duration. They had a difference in the Chamber of Deputies......