The Ultra-Orange bigots of Oxford University have so far frightened
the Heads of Ilouses, as to induce them to allow the following propo- sition to ha considered in Convocation on the 19th instant- " To suspend, during the pleasure of the Academical body, the privilege of the Regius Professor to form one of the select hoard for appointing University preachers, and examining into the opinions expressed in the University pulpit."
It matters little what the decision of the Oxford Convocation may be, as far as the Regius Professor is concerned ; but the Liberal majority of the House of Commons may find an additional stimulus in its pro- ceedings for insisting on University Reform, The Army Estimates were discussed in a Committee of Supply last night ; and Lord HOWICK, with the aid of the Tory Opposition, locceeded in defeating all attempts at reduction and reform. His L crdship could give no sufficient reason why 12,000 more soldiers were ten wired in 1836 than in 1822; and was quite unprepared with an an- swer to Sir WILLIAM MOLESWORTH'S facts and arguments in favour of I the pay and privileges o f the least serviceable portion of the Army_ ..the Guards—on a footing with the troops of the Line ; who really do the work at home and abroad. Sir WILLIAM MOLESWORTH is not the man to be daunted by a single defeat ; he has broken ground on this qut stion ; and the fine gentlemen of the Army must expect an amine) assau tt, until they surrender to the Economists.