Counsel and Con fort Spoken from a City Pulpit. By
the Author of " Recreations of a Country Parson." (Strahan and Co.)—These ser- mons are very like the author's essays. Sours rather striking little incident or expression is saind at the commencement, and explained, and turned about, and insisted on with extreme diffuseness, after which the preacher glides into his subject, which he treats in orthodox fashion, but without a spark of originality or power. He tells us in the intro- duction that articles for Fraser are a recreation, but what he writes for the pulpit is work. " His first and best thoughts go THERE." But we doubt whether Mr. Froudo, when he reads this volume, will not congratulate himself that he gets the second thoughts. For ourselves we think this book proves the truth of the old proverb—second thoughts are best.