The correspondent of the Times affirms that in the entire
army in Alsen there is not a man who cannot read and write, and that the mails are broken down by the mass of letters sent and received by the army. Most of the men, it must be remembered, are yeo- men belonging to the reserves, small freeholders with whom Den- mark is covered. Other correspondents less friendly to the Danes still affirm that in Jutland there is no poverty, that the entire people is one of the healthiest, beat fed, and happiest in the world, with barns overflowing with produce and farms with stock and poultry. It is on this race that the South Germans, the Hun- garians, and the motley savages who make up the Austrian army, are to be let loose ; Marshal von Wrangel has informed the Danish General that he shall levy requisitions throughout Jutland, which means that the whole peninsula will be scientifically plundered. The country, we fear, is unfitted for guerilla war ; but every man in Jutland has been drilled, and this threat will recruit the Danish ranks more rapidly than a conscription.