Our Administration of India. By U. A. D. Phillips. (Thacker.)
— Mr. Phillips writes from his experience as a Civil Servant, and opposes an emphatic contradiction to the statements of such writers as Messrs. Seymour and W. S. Blunt. These columns are not the place to deal with a subject so vast. But we may say that Mr. Phillips deals with it in a practical, common-sense way; that be has a great array of facts at hie command, and seems to argue fairly from them ; and that his book, while having a special utility for those who are, or are likely to be connected with India, ought to interest every Engliah reader.—Together with this we may commend a com- pendious and reliable account, from the historical point of view, of the English dominions in India, India under British Rule, by I. Talboys Wheeler (Macmillan).