12 MARCH 1887, page 3

The Supplementary Estimates Were Passed On Monday, Owing...

Gladstone's intervention ; but Thursday night was spent in conversations on Egypt, and the purchase of the Brennan torpedo," said to be the most formidable weapon yet invented,......

A Disgraceful Scandal Has Occurred In Chatham Dockyard....

Hamilton stated on Thursday that Mr. Young `Perry, draughtsman, who has been employed in the Dockyard for eleven years, had been dismissed, "for selling information......

Mr. Henry Ward Beecher, The Preacher Of New York, Is

dead. The disagreement of the jury in the Tilton case, when he was accused of adultery, left his moral character doubt- ful, and his reckless impulsiveness beyond doubt ; but he......

On Friday Week, Two Amendments Of Mr. Whitbread's,—one...

the view of excluding the Speaker's responsibility altogether, and one moved with the view of refusing him the veto on the ground that the rights of minorities would be......

In The Times Of Yesterday There Was Published A Curious

sum- mary of the late Lord Gifford's will, offering to the four Scotch Universities the appointment of four Lecturers on Natural Theology in its largest sense, who are to be......

The German Army Bill Passed Its Second Reading On Wednes-

day by a majority of 247 to 20, only 83 Members declining to vote, and it will, it is believed, be finally passed and come into action to-day. Herr Richter moved again the......

Bank Rate, 8+ Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday 1011

to 1011.......

Our Libel Law Is Certainly Not Satisfactory. Last Week, A

ease was heard by Mr. Justice Field, in which Mr. Herman Merivale and his wife, who had written together a drama called The Whiphand, asked for damages against a dramatic......

Sir F. Pollock, Speaking On Wednesday Before The Society Of

Authors, stated that Mr. Besant had received a letter from Mr. C. Longman, promising that in future that great firm, instead of presenting accounts only on the half-profit......