Schools and Scholars. By James Runciman. (Chatto and Windas.) —Mr.
Ranciman thinks very badly of the clergy, at least in their capacity of school managers ; and still worse of them as the Principals of Training Colleges. " Impudent pampered priest " is his descrip- tion of one gentleman whom he names ; "typical priestly bully" is another of his phrases, obviously intended to have a large application. In the paper entitled "The Ritualist," be goes beyond this. "The Reverend Athanasius Faulkner" ie, of course, a pseudonym ; but he is described as the clerical head of a training college for female teachers in the Charoh of England. There are but very few who can answer to this description, and it is a very serious thing when a writer accuses one of them of perverting the confessional to purposes of vice. The one sketch in the volume which is worthy of Mr. Ranoiman's powers is that of " Little Joe," an admirable little story of how a widowed and bereaved schoolmistress adopted a little boy, and found in him that the happiness of her life was given back to her.