"Drat the Boys !" By Max O'Rell. (Field and Tner.)—Mr.
"Max O'Rell'a " recollections are certainly amusing, and sometimes, as when he relates his experiences in the Franco-Prussian War, better than amusing. Those who may have to follow the employment which he has abandoned may learn not a little from him in the art, not very common among English teachers, and certainly very rare among French, in this country at least,—the art of how to manage a class. " Face the boys, or you will be nowhere." " Always look the same in face and person." "Never show your temper, if you have one." "If you do not love boys, never be a schoolmaster." Such are among the gems of practical wisdom that sparkle in these pages. School- masters will recognise the sagacity of the advice that, if you have a talkative boy in class, put a brother, if he has one in the class, by his side. Brothers sometimes quarrel, but never chat.