12 MARCH 1932, Page 15

" Arsene Lupin." At the Empire.

ALMOST at once the ululation of transatlantic police syrens on half a hundred motor bicycles announced that the hunt was up ; but from the moment, shortly afterwards, when the Due de Chamirasse was found, trussed like Houdini, outside his fashionable residence in what I took to be a baolieue jardiniere, or garden suburb, of Paris, there seas little doubt in any of our minds as to the identity of the master-criminal. They called him Loo-pang : they made him crack jokes about Gandhi : they put Russian policewomen in his bed. But they could not quite destroy, for me at any rate, the fascination of Raffles' only rival. Nothing else—not even the practised histrionics of the brothers Barryinore—could have kept me is my seat through Hollywood's latest confession of defeat.