12 MARCH 1932, page 44

Financial Notes

RISE IN SECURITIES. GESTMAL holders of securities and speculative operators for the rise have had another cheerful week, gilt-edged securities registering a further sharp rise,......

Sweet Are The Uses Of Adversity.

Briefly, I would say that much of the present im- provement is directly traceable to the attention paid to the severe experiences of last autumn. It would be a pity, therefore,......

The United States, Will Produce Political Developments...

satisfactory solution of the problem of Reparation Payments and International Debts, the great uncertainty of the character of such developments has to be borne in mind.......

Confidence Reviving.

. Taught, however, by the painful lesson of adversity, the National Government has concentrated upon its pledge to .economy and upon the problem of the trade balance, and it is......