12 MARCH 1932, Page 17


How quickly and solidly the cult of country life has grown in England, even at a time when we are urbanizing and ugh- . fying many rural scenes ! - That simple, almost ingenuous, but wholly delightful little book of Hudson's on the South Downs (Nature in Doom land. Dent. as. ad.), has just been republished in the Open Air library. In it Hudson laments and wonders that Sussex has been so little commended, has found so small a place in literature. To-day a bibliography of Sussex literature (which should be opened by Kipling's poem) would be of portentous size. More than this : Sussex is full of country Chauvinists, if one may call them such in a good sense. Certainly no county possesses so excellent a magazine (issued in Eastbourne) devoted wholly to its own glories. It has recently been publishing a shepherd's auto- biography that would have wholly pleased Hudson, whom shepherds' converse inspired to his most human passages. W. Thesen THOMAS.