[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SM,—I wonder whether any of your readers can help a parent to find a good public school where some attempt is made to feed the boys on modern lines and where epidemics arc, if not unknown, at least infrequent ?
At one great foundation which I have just visited the main dish at breakfast was bacon, at supper sausages, and at dinner the roast beef of Old England ; the bread, pastry, &c., were all of white flour " because the boys don't like wholemeal " there were no salads in winter, and little sign of fresh fruit ; and milk was an " extra." And I have not yet heard of a school unvisited, at frequent intervals, by devastating epi- demics. I aranot much concerned about fees ; but am filled with dismay at the prospect of having to consign to such conditions two sturdy lads who have thriven apace on much rougher, much cheaper, and without doubt much wiser fare than any reputable public school seems ready to provide. Have the public schools not yet heard of New Health ?—I am,