His Majesty's frigate Dover, which during the last three months
has been stationed off Limehouse as an hospital-ship for the reception of cholera patients, was removed on Monday afternoon, and towed down the River by a Government steamer to Woolwich. There had not been a patient on board for a week before.
On Wednesday night, the fifty-ninth anniversary festival of the Highland School Society was celebrated at the Albion, Aldersgate Street.
The London Hibernian Society held its annual meeting on Saturday. The number of schools under the Society's patronage during the year, was stated to have been 1,569; of scholars, 90,085. Of the schools, 468 were Sunday schools. The Society during the last year has dis- tributed 4,712 Bibles, and I2,882 Testaments.
Mr. Irving preached on Sunday in the open air. The chair he occu- pied was placed close to the wall of the House of Correction.
Count Ludolf's house, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, was broken. into on Sunday Morning, and several articles of value carried off from the room occupied by his Excellency as a private chapel.