Ebe Carnal").
THE BIRMINGHAM MET...us:G.—This great and interesting display of the Reforming spirit of the manufacturing districts, took place, as was intended, en Monday. In point of......
The National Union Held What Is Called An Ordinary Meeting
on Wednesday night. The circumstances of the times, however, bestowed on it all the marks of an extraordinary meeting ; for so great was the anxiety of the public to learn what......
His Majesty's Frigate Dover, Which During The Last Three...
has been stationed off Limehouse as an hospital-ship for the reception of cholera patients, was removed on Monday afternoon, and towed down the River by a Government steamer to......
Vie Airtropolfiff.
Cosmos ConscaL.—A Court of Common Council was held on Thursday, for the purpose of petitioning the House of Commons on the subject of the present crisis. Mr. Galloway moved the......