, On the 3d inst. in Whitehall Yard, the Lady of the Right lion. E. G. STANLEY, of daughter, who uiett shortly after its birth. On the 6th lust, the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES WODsWORTIL A.M. Prebendary of St. Paul's, of a son.
On the 4th inst. at cieeve Rouse, near Bristol, the Lady of the ReverendHoRamt MONTAGU, of a daughter. On the 30th ult. at Glasgow. Mrs. CATTERNS, of a son.
On the 8th iust. at the Duchy House, Lancaster Place, the Lally of F. Datrverts, Esq., of a daughter.
Oa the 7th inst. at Exbury House, near Southampton, the Lady GEORGIXA Mtr FORD. of a sun.
On the 3d inst. at the New Church. Marylebone, Captain GEORGE HILL, Boys Horse Guards. eldest sun of Sir Robert 11111, of Primes Hall, SIttopshire, to JANE,- youngest daughter of Thomas Borough. of Chetwynd Park, Esq, iu the same county. On the 5th inst. at 't. George's. Hammer Square, Lieut.-General Sir BUFANE. DONK IN, K .C.11 and 0.0.11.. to Lady ANNA MARIA ELLIOT, daughter of the late, and sister to the pfesent Earl of Mint°.
On the 7th at All Souls Church, the Reverent HENRY 1%nm:um, son of George Fludyer, Esq., to Au • urs-ra BoRoUGYI, yeinigest datighter of Sir Richard Berough, Bart. 01I the 3OLII nit. at St. Peter's Church, 11:mjom• Bust!. IlitooRE, of the 3701 Regi-. meat. son of -it I lenry Brooke. Bart., of Colebrouk, County Fermanagh. to CAROLINE,' third daughter of Pe!er Fit zgildsmit Ilenelty. Esq., K.C. On the 1st lust., at St. Emerald's Church. Cambridge, the Rev. RICHARD DUFFIELD. B.D., Fellow of St. Julius Cmd lege, Caitlin Piet, and Rector of Rating and•Thorington. in Essex, to Sop is A BA an ARA, elder daughter Dr the late Rev. Thomas Kerriek, M.A.
On the 7th inst., at Elstree, the Rev. 0 mums Pal Ltd seem, eldest son of W. M. Phil-. limore, Esq.. or Deactat's Hill. Herts, to Em my, second daughter of the late Thomas- Haworth, Esq., of Barham NVood„ Eistree, I lerts.
On the mith inst.. at Compton P:unuceturt. Captain PORTMAN, second son of the into- B. B. Portman, Esq.._ M.P. for Dorsetshire, to HARRIET E Pity, youngest daughter of '1'. L. Napier Short, Esq.
On the 1st inst., at Bayswater, Lady 0 ItallASI, wife of Sir Robert Graham,late one of the Haloes of the Exelleq•mer.
On the 4:11 inst., at Cheltenham. the 1 ion. Mrs. FRAXCIs MAUDE.
On the 911, inst., at her house in Harley street. the Duwager Imady Morrow. On the 8t11 inst., at Sprint, Garden Terrace, ELIZABETH, widow of the late General Roolliort, of the Royal Artillery, in her 89th, year.