MOORE jun. and LADIIERT, Albany Road, Kent Road, clarified sugardnakers-Nt- caoLs and Co. Earl coma, Cranbourn Street, I eicester Square, printer-Cans and Co.; as far as regards T. OAS Mal Co. I iverpool, numulacturing-cliemists -,1AeKsoN find 11t,srssoa. West smiLLlirld, tailors-RUMPUS and GRIFFIN, Skinner Stara, hOoksellers-!.Evert and Co. Ma nehester. cotton-spinners-J. and It. BUssELY., CotIlsdou, Sultry, farmers-I:Amu and E.% m vs. Nottingham. hatters-WHITE and RI- emiaansoN, Beta's Newcastle-spun Tyne, linsbriek-mauntheturers-OLIvBa,- sea. and jun. Newark upon-Trent. niereers-.luxes and IEOMANs, Manchester,. eaten- derers - G o ew I a and Co. Burstein, tart benware Mann facturers-W. and E. Ox F.N BOULD,' Birmingham, wire-weavers--CoATEs and Cu. Myton. Kingstmenpou.11t111, drysalters- BILTo a and Co. Horton, Yorkshire. corn-millers -ST 1, mi 'met: ammo VOsPER, SlonellOuse, wine-merelnints-FismIER and linoomm, Gabes Street. Grosvenor Square. at tornies- Tx/ ax ER anti I I ENnEIrsoN,Ilalifax, 141ml-drapers-GRAZ Ea nova and MeNno, City Road.: iron-merchants.
GIBBON, JOHN jun. City Canal, Poplar, mast-maker.
APPLEYARD, JonN. Leeds. dyer, to surreumler May 23. June 19: solicitors, Messrs. Ban ye and CO. Chancery Lane and Mr. I ar2reavcs, Leeds. ISLA raForma..lortN, Devonport, May 14, 15..Inue 19: solicitors, Messrs. Walker and R•ekards. Lineoln's Inn Fields; alai Mr. Illaekmore, Dem °Import. CommasNE. JAMEs. Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, Lookseller, May 16, Julie 19: solici-
tor, M r. lieurt. Tokenhouse Yard, Lothltury. Cooecit, tit:ones, Exeter, sta.ioner, May 12, 19, June 19: solicitors, Messrs. Rhodes' and Beevor. Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Bluth:IL Exeter.
Com.F, EDWARD, Birmingham. licoordnerelmant, May 18, 19, June 19 : solicitors,. Messrs. Norton and Chaplin, Gray's Lm sq.:are; and Mr. Ingieby, 114mb:eh:on. . CIO:Agin.% RICHARD, and CuSAGIIE. CoNsTA ,,TIN E, Duhliu, menhauls. May •23. Yaws 19: solicitors. Messrs. Illaekstuelt and Bunce, King's Bench %Valk, Temple; and Messrs. Winds and son. Liverpool. Dird.oN, JOSKEIL and STEwAlth, ALFRED, Mincing Lane, wine-brokers, May 17, Juin) 19: solicitor. Mr. Paterson, Old Broad Street.
EVANs, Joseph, Chester, ucedle-maker, May 22, June 19: solicitor, Mr. J. Faulkner. Chester.
FAULKNER. WILLIAM COLE., Dahl in, merchant, May 23, .Tune 19: fadieitOIS. Messrs. Illacksteek and Bunco, Iiing'S Bella Walk. Temple; and blessrs. Woods and Sou, Lim e II Fvw., Ita. JOHN. Hillhouse. Rochdale. farmer. May 19, 29, Jane 10: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co Lkeolp's Inn Fichls :mmtml Mr. Whitehead, Norhttale. • - lioriERs, Jo IN. Rochdale, draper, :Slay 24. 5. June 10: soliciturs, Mr. Coates, Man- chester; and Messrs. AtIlitutIott and Co. Bedford Bow. Su EPPA It a, G Kenna, Alinmealsbitry m ictualIcr. NI:ty 'A. June 19 : solicitors, Messrs.
Poole and Co. Gray's Int: Stptare Mr Bar 'Air, Charlton. TEmPLE.JosEra, 11 v; ivituision commou-Lrewor, May 15, 16. Sane 19: solicitors, 'Messrs. Waktsley anti Co. Chancery Lane; and 51r. Dryilemi, \VALI:ye, High Doi Lora, 5Iay 16, June l9: solicitors, Mr.. Keiglii ley, Argyll Chansoers, Regent Strci•I an i Mr. Gralmutn, Cupthall Buildings. WA It E !NO, WI i.r.t.t (lull" well. Nor; hauVonshire. miller, May 21, June 19: solici- tors. Mr. Capes, Raymond's Buildings, Gray s Inn; and Messrs. Lucas and Co. Long Ilitekby. WHITWORTH, Roamer, and t!i:Nsm'Er. .TAmrs. Wilderswood liorwich, Lancashire. cotton spinners. May 21, 22, Juue 19: solichoi-s, Mr. Kershaw, ;Manchester; and Messrs. Johnson autl Wea herall. Temple. WILLI A Nis:Timms:4, Newport. Monmouthshire, rope-spinner. May 29. .Tune 19: soli- citors. Illessrs. White and Whitmore, Litteola's Ian; and Messrs. Bevan and llrittan, Bristol. -
Yousn, 111Ncom ANT, Downham Market. Nor111111, common-brewer, May 16.17, June 19: solicitor, Mr. Woodward, Bouverie street, Fleet Street.
iii vm OF NIES.
May 29, Geeves, Hendon, hay-s:tcsatau -May 29, Solliff, Poole, merchant-May 30, Woomfinglaain jun. Church Street, Keusingten. surgeon-June 9, Montreux, Hertford. cabinet-maker -.lime 5, Hall and Co. Crodty Square, packers-May 29, Neighbour
jun. King Street, West Smithfield, wine. merchant -- May r 7, Burford, Upper Charlotte, Street, Fitzroy Square, paper-hanger-May 31, Hadley jun. Millitrd W half. St. Ole: meut Daum. coal-Inerehant -May 99: Thompson and Co. St. Martin's Lane, linen- drapers-May 19. Chapman. Bridgewater, linen diaper-June 4,Whittield aid Sargaut, Whitelittrelt, Shropshire. sillt-throwsters-Jane 6, Gibbins and Cu. Birmingham. baukers-May 30, Bute, Chacewater. Cornwall, grocer -NI ay 31/. Milton. Stunk Liuth-- wane, Yorkshire, cloth-merchant - • M ay 31, Kuigut,St. Neot .s, I I unt ingdonshire, miraper -Miry 30, If ylt•y. Coventry', dyer-514 svOs Wilnams. St. Wollos, Montuouthshire,coal- merchant-May IS% Wragge, Preston, stationer-Jene 4, Guest, Manchester, woollen- draper-June 4, Jcnkihs,NeniwtI. Monmouthshire., coal-merehaut.
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before May 29.
Murton. Great Newport Street. Long Acre. h000kbiuder-llissill, Quorndon„ Leicester-. shire: I:owl-manufacturer-Horner. Bilton.witlellarrowgate, Ymkshire. lawny. Bristol, merchant-Youell, Craubrook, Kent, brewer-Young. Fenehurch Street,. sail-maker- Edmans. Strand. ulteesemunger-Lowe, Warmiugton, Lancashire, currier- Bergner. Picked Street, Strand, printer-Ackerman, Bruton, woollen-draper-B=1.We% Cheapside. warehouseman-Smith, May field, cotton-spinner.
Friday, 1116 May.
KERsHAW and BATES, Westgate MOM M.I1WrightS-MAcHELL and M'Dowasdr, Hammersmith, milliners-Ilnitittrr and BENINGFIELD, George Street, mita:irks, tobamo-brokers--GELIFFITHs and W AWE, Clerkenwell, maeltinequanuLteturets-W. 3. MARSDEN, Wakefield, cabinet-makers—Coopee and SOL. Southampton. surgeons— POPE and Lewes, Manchester. mallieo-prin•ere—SAstseN and Mrs:rots Wood S'reet, Spitalltelds. silk-mannfacturers — GREViewone and ltow, Farrington Street. linen- drapers—G. and E. Terms:arm Oxford Street. ironmongers—Asrteesw and Co Hey Chase), t ancashire, dealers in cotton-waste—WetxrNseus and Co St. Paul's Church- yard. silk-manufachwers—WarmIT and joNss, Preston. weadlen-drapers —Rifles:eta. and Co. Leeds, woo/Jewel& It-merchants ; as ter as resat& MENNELL—RAWMNsoN and Co. Kepler Street, Bloomsbury. printers ; es few as regards R poems:awe—M. and TI. B. RaesteNn, Derby, grocers—Gs-mew and Woas, Canaan. musienhinstrnment-makers- Wayour awl Co. Ashton-under-Lone. rrane`heterers—M•Cos:rraa and Wererra. Man- chester, silk-throe sters—J. and It. Panersn. St. John's Sawa butchers—Wteuries and ROwLANn, Palmer's Village, Westminster, victuallers—Rums and REYNOLDS, Savage Gardens, wine-merchants.
WHEELER, G sonar, Acre Lane, Clapham, livery-stable-keeper.
AOLTO, AUGUSTINE, Smedley. near Manchester. dealer, to surrender Mat, 23. 24, Tune solicitors. Messrs. Johnson and Weatherall, Temple ; and Mr. Seddon. Manchester. Blsetn. :Iowa Pool Quay, Montgomeryshire, what linger. May 93. June 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Btackstock and Bunce, King's Bench Walk. Temple ; and Mr.Watson, Shrews- bury.
BENNETT, WILTJAM. Lostock. cotton-spinner. May 25.31. June 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Weatherall, Temple ; and Mr. Seddon, Manchester.
CoRRIca. AtENANDER SPEARS, Bristol. t imbermenerchant. May 25. Sune 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Clark and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Messrs. Savery and Clark. Bristol. DEAN. GEoRIE. Maidstone, tallowmellarulter, May 13, June 29: solicitors, Messrs. Minelmarste and Son. Crescent. Joss in Street.
FORD. JOHN, Bath, bookseller, Juue 1. 22: solicitor, Mr. Taylor, King Street, Chcapside.
FRANCIS, THOMAS, Liverpool. builder, Jane 2. 22: solicitors, Mr. Frodsham, King Street. Liverpool ; and Messrs. Addington and Co. Bedford Row. Gana, an.En ratIND. Great Dover Street. Southwark, apothecary, May 22, June 22: solicitors. Messrs. Young and Ware, Illawkilan Street.
GRoUTAGE, Join s. Strand. fishmonger, May 25, June 22: solicitors, Messrs. Kirkman and Renberfbrd. Cannon Street.
HALSF.y, WILLIAM HENRY, Bermondsey. t raalealer, May 22, June 22: solicitor, Mr. Johnston. East. India Chambers, Leadenluell Street.
IIENsoN, WiLMAM, Worcester. larerrnatinfactlirer. May 29. 30: solicitors, Messrs. Lomeli and Ggeglhh Sun Court. Combat : and Mr. Coltman. Woreeeter.
!leases WILLIAM, and Co. Gomersal. merchants, June 5, 93; solicitors, Mr. Flower, Bread Street, Cheapside: and Mr. Carr. Gomersal.
Jaetrsoe, Timm as, Old George Street, Borough, salesman, May 29, June 22: solici- tor. Mr. Smith, King Street, Cheapside, KErarost, JAMES, High Street. Poplar, linen draper, May 13, June 22: solicitors, Messrs. Smithson and Co. New Inn.
Lamal. Penno DE. and Rums PETER. Liverpool, merchants. May 25. Jane 22 : so. licitors, Mr. E. Chester, Staple Inn ; and Mr Thomas Davenport, Liverpool.
• POWELL, JOHN. Newent, Gloucestershire. grocer, May 31. June 22: solicitors, Messrs Croft and Johnson, Bedford Row : and Mr. Cadle, Newent.
ST.EW‘1111. JO,IN Ma a-nrw, Jerusalem CofIltehotise. master-mariner, May 22, June 22: solicitors. Messrs. Yenning and Naylor. Bucklershnry.
• WI'LLFITIVoToN, NV/ LI,tA m. the vonnger. Millmrtie Port, glove manufacturer, May IS, June 22: solicitor. Mr. D. Jones, Size Lane.
Woon../ms. 'Horsham, dealer in earthenware, May 28, June 22 : solicitor, Mr. George Smith, Pasingliall Street.
Won:rev. !mess G Emcee, Alphineton, corn-factor. May 22. June 22: solicitors, Messrs. Bretton and Clipperton, New Broad Street ; noel Mr. C, Bretton, Exeter. DIVIDF.NOS.
June I, Homewood, Pollard's Row, Bethnal Green, brewer—June 7, Morris and Smith, Friday Street, werehousemen—June 5. Shepherd, Strand. silversmith—June 9. Riant, Gravecleurch Street. chersemonger—June 5. Berthon, Kingsland Road, coal- merchant —Jane 2, Oliphant, Cocksper Street. hat-maunRctorer—.Tnne 2, Comity. Piccadilly, jeweller—June 2..1 Weston the elder. and .1. Weston the younger, Old Bond Street. tailors—June 6, Mardall. Water Lane, Tower Street. brands-merchant —Seine 1, Chandler, Potshot, Wiltshire, cattle-salesman—June 14. Howells, Llandovery, Carrilar- thenshire, shopkeeper—Jane 2. Compton. Birmineham. linendraper—.Teme 4, Mullion. Liverpool, merchant —Jane 13. TIongliton. Liverpool, tintlxv-merchant —.little 4. Gibson, Northwich Cheshire. wharlinger —June 5,Smi ill and Good, Birmingham, bankers—June 2. Tuck. Rising. Norfolk. miller—June 1, Jackson, Liverpool, sail-maker—July 11, Wolfs, Colchester, medicine-vender.
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before June I. Marks and Charrington. Mark Lane. malt-factors—Worts Colchester. medicine- vender—Ellis, Bristol. barge-master—Drackley jun., ThorntonA.eicsstershire, flamer— Armstrong, Castle Street. Leicester Square, oilman-13 row nrige, Keswielt, Cumberland, woollen-mannfitcturer—G men, Green Arbour Court. Old Bailey, printer—Browu Leeds. merchant—White, Nfarlborongle, Wiltshire, innkeeper—Smith and Lewis, Tun- stall, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufaeturers.