Among the on tuts, is one, that the Duke of Cumberland was the first who announced to his Majesty on Tuesday, at Windsor, the defeat of Ministers, at least six hours before Earl Grey and Lord Brougham saw the King.
It is said that the Duke of Wellington arrived at St. James's Palace on Wednesday, at an earlier hour than that at which his Grace usually reaches the Palace on Levee-days, and was observed to be in a remark- ably sprightly mood.
Among the presentations to the King on Wednesday, was the Earl of Dundonald.
The result of the division on Monday night, together with the resig. nation of Ministers, was despatched by Prince Talleyrand to Calais, whence it was forwarded to the French capital by telegraph.
The young Marquis of Waterford took his sett on Monday for the first time. Lord Dalhousie also took the i alis and his seat in the Lords the same evening. Both tot d rgairet Sir. Charles Colville has tendered his re ignat:on of the Government of Mauritius. Major-General Nicolay hai been appointed to succeed him.
The office of Gentleman of the Horse to the King, which recently became vacant by the demise of Mr. Delme Radcliffe, it is understood will not be filled up.
The Caledonia, 120, and Britannia, 120, have been ordered, together
with the Talavera, 74, to get ready for sea: 2.10 marines at Portsmouth, and 250 also at Plymouth, are in readiness to embark on board the Caledonia and Drina:ilia at a minute's notice.
Fundholders are not generally aware of the source from which they derive their quarterly dividends. The money they put into their pockets four times a year is nulling but taxes. A refusal to pay taxes is therefore, in fact, a direct blow upon the funds and the fundholders, who must look to it.
The Haymarket theatre opens on the 4th of June.
The cost of the proposed railroad from Altma to Lubeck, is esti- mated at 300,000/.
The personal effects of the Earl of Fife were sold yesterday, at the auction-rooms of Mr. Scott, Cambridge Street, Golden Square. The Earl for the last three or four years has been residing at the Waterloo Hotel, Jenny', Street, St. James's, and in the course (.,f his residence became indebted to the proprietor for board and lodging to the aawunt of 4251., for which his effects were seized last week. Amine,- other
items of sale, were the collars and badges of the Thistle and the Guelphic order, and all the Earl's Court dresses.
CD01EltA.-In the metropolis, the disease presents no feature worthy of noting. The number remaining yestemday was 23; in the Country, 155. In Ireland, the epidemic is assuming a milder aspect as the season advances. In Paris also it continues steadily decreasing. There was a report in sonic of the daily journals, of its having reached St. Omer, where, it was said, 12 cases and 8 deaths had occurred. We have received a letter from a correspondent in that town, which contra- dicts this account in Cato. There has been no case at all, and conse- quently no death. As there are many English families in St. Omer, and as there are not a few English children of both sexes at the various seminaries there, we are gratified at being able to give a decided contradiction to a story which must have occasioned uneasiness to their friends and relations here.