WAR-OFFicF, May 8, 1832.-Memorandum-The1malf-pav of the undermentioned Offi- cers has been cancelled from the Nth inst. inclusive, they having received a commuted allowanam Sir their Commissions: Ensign L. B. Rainsfonl, half-pay 7th Garrison Bat- talion; Lieut. G. Paton, half-pay Cape !teat; Lieut. It. II. l'arnmar, half-pay 7ttlt Fout ; Chaplain J. Weld), half-pay 31 Llooneil's liegt.; Ensign A. Ileury, halt-pay5ith Foot ; Ensigu .1. Ryan. hall-pay 1st Black Garrisomt Company ; Lieut. J. Jacksou, half- Pay 8th Foot: Ensign W. Powell, Italf-pav 27111 Foot ; Eusign 51. Gillmore, half-pay 28th Foot ; Ens. J. D. Bentham, half-pay-90.h Foot ; Lieut. W. Kershaw, Itult-pay -sad Foot, Wart-OFFICE, May 10.-1st Regt. or Foot Guards : Second Lied. F. C. Jcdrell, from the e.,111 Foot, to be Ens. and Lieut., by pareimase. vice Bushman!, who ripires; Assist.- Sure. J. D. %1 right to be Battalion Surgeon-34m It Regt. of toot Gent. Cadet J. S. Notris, from the Royal Miiirary College, to be Ens., IT purchase, vw.• F.,rd•yee. pro- molet1-4601 Foot : Assist.-Siwg D. Lister, from the 57th Foot, to be Assist. Surg„ vice Cowen, appointed to the 48th Foot-48th Foot Assistes.m.“.. A 11. m ovv.•11, from the 46th Foot, to he Assist: Smug., viee Gitsdu, deceased-69th Foot; Ens. St. George Lowther to be Lieut., by pateltase, vice Nellottall, who reales; a4. Losack, be Ens., by purchase. vice Lowther-Royal Newfouutilaud Veteran Cutup:tides: Lieu[. A. N. Purefoyt from half-pay 39th Foul, to be Lieut., vice Daunt, deceased.
Duattached-Eus. .1. lordyee, from the 34th Foot, to be Lieut. of Infantry, by purchase. Memorandum-The date of Lieut. Stubbeman''s promotion in the 63d Foot is the 3d August 1830, and not 13th Matchl ',WM. A. Carthew, half-pay 64th Foot, has been allowed to retire front the service, by the sale of an Uuattached Commissions.