KING'S THEATRE.—PACINrS opera Gli Arabi nelle Calle was brought out
to-night, after two announcements which ended in the substitution of other pieces. The fact is, that the orchestral parts were received from Milan in so imperfect a state, that, without it thorough revision, it was impossible to getthrough the opera. Would that the task of amending them had been found impracticable ! and We 'should have been spared the severest trial of patience we ever had to endure. PACINI'S merits as a compiler (composer lie is not), are pretty well known ; but in this miserable piece he has stolen no- thing but chaff, not at single grain of wheat was to be found in the heap. It is, perhaps, hardly fair to estimate the capabilities of new singers under such circumstances. Human power does not extend to the breathing of vitality into a corpse. However, we must judge by what we heard, and hope to have a better test by which to try the powers of the Signore GRISI and Marcum hereafter. Gals' is la. pretty good second-rate singer : her voice is powerful, but not rich or sweet : its quality varies, and often displays a disagreeable reediness, ac- companied with faulty intonation ' • and she lacks the agilita di twee which. CISTI so eminently possesses. MARIAM'S voice is a pure and well- toned contralto, of considerable compass and power : she has a higher degree of finish, and greater energy, than Gaisi. The success of these- ladies was pretty well apportioned to their merits.