The National Union is now sitting. This society has added,
since Monday, about 8,000 to its former members ; 1,500 persons entered to-day. The total number on the hooks is 14,000. The latter entrants are all substantial people. Take the average income of the members at 1001. a year (a very low estimate), here is 1,400,0001. a-year against Boroughinongery : in six weeks of the Duke of WELLINGTON'S Government it will amount to ten times as much. The Union has just resolved, "that whoever advises a dissolution of Parliament, is a public enemy." The watchword of the Union is " Peace, order, obedience to the law."
The inhabitants of Marylebone and St. Pancras meet on Monday, at eleven o'clock, at the north gate of Regent's Park. Mr. HUME will take the chair.
One of the largest meetings that ever assembled at Lincoln was held there yesterday evening, in the Guildhall. It afterwards adjourned to the market-place, where an address was voted to the King, and some strong resolutions passed, expressive of their indignation at the cause of the Ministerial change, and their determination to have Reform in spite of it. The account, received at a late hour this evening, states, that " the wealth, respectability, and intelligence of the city were pre- sent, together with nearly all the members of the Corporation."