MILITARY nvirsvronri:, Six Yeats in ltis,ea ; eon-prising a Personol Narrative of the f=irves of in Jatio atci oen,e•r 1)..crinhor 18,36, 2111.1 or the hilicipar !News which nceorred that and the hosing l'ioohuves dosing the Years ,s311 to 1837,
11. John Francis Bacon. Smith and L7dkr. l'UETRY,
lid it h, a Tale of the Azores; and Other Poems.— pitkering ; B:a.kwood, Edintvryh.
011,Y.NTA I. Puce. Alt FICI701.r,
A Nee: ir.H,L1l .10 of III.• THICS or the MO One Nights• knouts in Eng• land as the Arabian Nigro.: Coreriaiturroors; ill, copious Now, Hy E.,ro,,,,1 Latio, A 'it Ina " Modem I:*piiam:" Illustrated wit It roe* liUntired Woo beats, engraved by the rust htglish Artists, alter Ot 'MI- 1141TCy. fart 1. ludytriy