Fine Arts.
ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION. Ter grand picture-show of the season was thrown open to the public on Monday at noon ; and the cast wing of the Gallery in Trafalgar Square was......
Mr. James's Fifth And Last Volume Of The Lives Of
the Most Eminent Statesmen, (in Dr. LARDNEIt'S Cabinet Cycloptedia,) contains FLEURY, ZINZENDORF, POMBIL, FLORIDA BLANCA, CHOISEUL, and Nausea. As in the former volumes of this......
Recommending A Small Volume Of Select English Poetry De-...
for the use of Schools, as a collection made with consider- able care and taste, and from a wide range of poetical reading, we must cry a halt, from sheer exhaustion. Those who......
The Natural History Of The Quadrupeds Of Paraguay And The
River La Plata. Vol. 1. This volume is a translation, by Mr. PRIMEVAL HUNTER, of a work by Don FELIX DE Az ARA ; a Spanish author of industry, zeal, and acquirements, who took......
The Extensive Changes Made Of Late Years In The Laws
affecting real property, have to a certain extent tendered the old tiirms of deeds useless, or worse than useless ; and grievous must be the condition of a country mechanical......
The Journal Of The Statistical Society Is A Monthly...
intended to contain a narrative of time proceedings of the Society, and of the provincial institutions of a similar kind with which it h abstracts of Parlia- reviews of......
Walter Deverell ; A Domestic Tule. In 3 Vols. As
a picture of real life or character, this novel is altogether improbable, not to use a harsher term ; but it is not ill put together, or without interest as a mere circulating......