Recommending a small volume of Select English Poetry de- signed
for the use of Schools, as a collection made with consider- able care and taste, and from a wide range of poetical reading, we must cry a halt, from sheer exhaustion. Those who are about to make a trip to Alpine regions may take the eternal Mr. COGH- LAN'S Guide to Switzerland upon his reputation, or upon trust. Those who wish to keep or study bees, can furnish themselves with the Bee-keeper's Manual, and judge for themselves. The b usyman, who wishes to save time in working questions, may put In 1113 pocket Mr. ROBERT WALLACE'S Practical Mathema- ticians Pocket Guide. Even The Sanctuary, containing a col- lect,a lesson, a prayer, and a sermon fur every Sunday, cannot detain us now. And as for a batch of Poetry and Medical Books, we must crave time to look into them and sit again.