The Natural History of the Quadrupeds of Paraguay and the
River La Plata. Vol. 1. This volume is a translation, by Mr. PRIMEVAL HUNTER, of a work by Don FELIX DE Az ARA ; a Spanish author of industry, zeal, and acquirements, who took little care of his own reputation, and whose books, whether in French or Spanish, are now become excessively scarce, though, we suspect, often gleaned from by naturalists. Residing many years, and under very favourable circumstances, in the country whose animals he describes, be drew his facts directly from nature; and in despite of minuteness of description and quaintness of style, they possess much interest, from their sim- plicity and reality. The translator has done his part with zeal and judgment, and illustrated his author by a variety of notes. And, if not a complete and eloquent exposition of animal nature, the work will form a storehouse of information and amusement on its facts, mingled with indicative sketches of the customs of the people.