Clic Court.
THE Queen took carriage-rides in the Parks ou Monday and Tues- day, attended on both occasions only by the Marchioness of Tavistock. On Monday evening, her Majesty hail a dinner-party ; nt which the chief guests were the Duke of Sussex, the End and Countess of Lei. cester, Lord :11elliouroe, Lord Holland, Lord and Lady flowiek, Mr. Spring Rice, Luis: Dinorben, and Mr. Ellice. The Queen and the Dutchess of Kent went to the Italian Opera on Tuesday evening. Her Majesty gave another dinner-party on 1Vednesday, to the Duke and Dutchess of Somerset, the Duke of Grafton, the Duk a of Argyle, the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne, Earl mid Lady Ifirz- willitn, Earl and Countess of Harcwoud, Lord mid Lady Norreys, and Lord mid Lady Seymour.
On Thursday night, the Queen gave her first grid state hall since her own accessiun. The invitations were six loeir..1 in number ; and the patty is described as brilliant in an unusual degree, the dresses of the ladies being astonishiugly magnifieea stud costly. The Queen's attire is thus described-
" A magnificent white satin slip, over which was a silver lama toohro-, trimmed with silver blonde lace ; storofr on either side with maiden-blush rases, studded iu tie centre with brilliants. Her Majesty wore on her hat atm the insignia of the Order of the Garter ; also the star in brilliants and the ribbon of the Order ; head-dress of roses, the centre formed of brilliants, and a small bandalette confined the whole ; diamond drop ear- rings."
The other dresses noticed particularly for their splendour were worn by the Dutchess of Sutherland, the Dutchess of Somerset, the Marchioness of Chundos, the Countesses of Jersey, Chesterfield, Lichfield, Stanhope, and Cudogan, and Lady Caroline Cust. The Queen opened the bail, to music from La Domino Noir, with Prince George of Cambridge; and afterwards danced with Viscount Jocelyn, Lord Roden's eldest son.