12 MAY 1838, Page 8

The funds collected for the use of the Dorchester labourers

amount to 5501. ; but it is hoped that the subscription will reach 1,200/, to be laid out in stocking small farms for " the labourers."

Seizures, and sales of property seized, for Church-rates, in different parts of the country, are numerous and increasing. The refusals to pay are becoming general.—Patriot.

On Wednesday morning, a dreadful accident occurred to two of the labourers employed on the works at the. new Houses of Parliament. A number of men were employed behind the Speaker's house in rais- ing an immense block of stone by a crane, when the tackle suddenly gave way, and the block fell on two of the men. One of them was found to be literally crushed to death ; every bone in his body appeared to be broken. The other had one of his thighs broken, besides being otherwise severely injured.