Arrived-01f Penzance May 9th, Doke of Bedford, Bowen, from ltemol. At ';t. Arleen, precious to 15th 'March, Princess Ciroldtie; and Unini”, Kin:LS[111H Bola h' r; Holmes ; and AVas Dont froth M:.iiritius; lIeurge Fourth, Ii a% err, China;
unit Anal, drifliths, trolls atrithlta. OR the Cape, me, ious to M ;net', 1 roe -each • and Wellington, Evans, from. Madras; Mill ue, Richardson, nom Roiled-From Gravesend, May 4111, Winiam Money, !touchier; 5th, Colombo, Itliellar; and lOth, Wanderer, Smith, for libmgal. From Liverpool, 6111, Penang. Linon: 10t1r.Cauada, Hicks; and Euphrates, Wilson, fur China ; and Ehtra, situp. Ale for Bengal.