We understand from the best authority, that, with a view to obviate the injury likely to be sustained by trade in the Metropolis from the Coalition taking place at the early period at which it at present stands appointed, her Majesty has been graciously pleased to intimate her intention of giving a series of grand banquets and Court balls after this august ceremony ; so that the London season may be prolonged,
and families induced to remain in tavern at all events until the fist weeks of August. From the number and distinguished rank of foreigners who will necessarily be sojourning in town at this period, several leaders of heat ton have intimated a like intention with her Ma- jesty.- Pod.
It is said that General Wetherell, Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Paul Me.. Awl. and Mr. Marshall of Leeds, will be raised to the Peerage at the Coronation.
The Duke of Kent died in considerable debt to the late Lords Fitz-
william Deludes. Very recently, the representatives of those Peers have received the amount of their debts, accompanied by a valu- able piece of plate from the Queen, with a letter expressive of the obligations she felt towards those who had been her father's friends, and the pleasure she and the Dutchess of Kent felt in being enabled ass to express their feelings.-Leeds Mercury.
The Doke of Cambridge is about to take possession of the old Palace at Kew, but will occupy the King of Ilanover's apurtments at the same place till the former is ready for his reception.
The Duke of Bedford has arrived off Penzance from Calcutta, having on board the deposed King of Oude, who comes to England to urge his claims to the throne of that kingdom before the Privy Council.
A Knighthood has been conferred on Mr. Fortunatus Dwarris, a Master in the Court of Queen's Bench.
Sir Robert Wihnot Horton bus arrived in London from Ceylon.
A report was current in the beginning of the week, that the Hun- gerford, in which Mr. Macaulay left Calcutta, had foundered at sea; four sailors only having escaped. But the rumour has been contra- dicted, and rests on very vague authority. .