12 MAY 1883, Page 1


TAORD SALISBURY and Sir Stafford Northcote spoke at a banquet in the Riding School of Knightsbridge Barracks Wednesday,—the same place where Lord Beaconsfield and Lord Salisbury were Med when they brought back "peace with honour" from Berlin,—to celebrate the acquisition of the new Beaconsfield Club in Pall Mall. The Marquis of Salisbury fiercely attacked Mr. Gladstone for laying at the door of the Tories the responsibility for the troubles in the Transvaal, .declaring that, when the Transvaal was annexed, the vast majority of its inhabitants wished for annexation,—not, indeed, the majority of the Boers, who were a mere handful, but of the native tribes inhabiting the same province. Lord Salisbury entirely ignored the true danger,—the danger of uniting the whole Dutch population of South Africa against us,—and pre- ferred to speak of the native populations as if all Governments .should, in the first place, secure their interests, and place the interests of immigrant Europeans and their descendants quite in the second place. It is remarkable enough that, in relation to our policy in India, his views are precisely inverted, and that he denounces the Indian Government for not securing the 'interests of Anglo-Indians first and thinking of native interests only afterwards.