George Eliot's Expression.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 SIR, — Your correspondent's tribute to George Eliot's capacity of affection towards the individual is probably not exaggerated. Still, there......
The Worship Of Rank.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] "The Chimes," by Charles Dickens, are the lines :— " 0 let us love our occupations, Bless the Squire and his relations; Live upon our daily......
" Slay And Eat."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE" SPECTATOR."] "He that drinks the heavenly cup Loveth downward, and not up."—EMERSON. Sia,—Is it too late to say a few words on the Manichean inter-......
Monaco And The Bishop Of Gibraltar. 150 The Editor Or
THE " BrEcrAToa."1 SIR,—Permit me to say a word in defence of the Bishop of Gibraltar. He has not, as you suppose, refused to send, or sanction, a mission to call to repentance......