SIR,—In your editorial remark at the foot of " The So-called `Stupid' Officer" (April 21st), you hit the mark appropriately by calling it the "stupidity theory," and as you suggest a remedy for lack of scientific education on the part of British officers, perhaps you will permit me to fill that want,—viz., that in future a strategic school should be opened to all military students, where perfect models of this South African war and its battles, on a comprehensive scale, should be detailed as far as possible, and that, if it is too much to expect that copies on a smaller scale should be provided for every garrison town, at least at the central school all officers above the rank of subaltern should have the opportunity of attending (even be compelled to attend) to hear lectures on strategy by competent professors of the subject. This I believe to be the case in the German Army, and with good results. Why not in ours ? My experience in all ranks, and in various Staff appointments, has ever persuaded me of this want, and of the absolute necessity of its being speedily remedied. To call our officers " stupid " is no more true or deserved than to call the bulk of other professions " stupid.' What is required is to train men properly for each and every profes- sion, and then the stars will shine.—I am, Sir, &c., ALEXR. EDLica, Major-General, K.C.B.
Portofino, Italia.