In The House Of Commons The Debate Took Much The
same eourse as in the House of Lords. After Mr. Wyndham bad put the official case, and after Mr. Asquith had very ably made mincemeat of it, Sir Arthur Acland-Hood, a soldier......
Professor Dicey Makes In Monday's Times One Of The Beat
suggestions that has yet been made for solving the problem of Australian appeals. Let the Imperial Parliament, be advises, so modify Clause 74 of the Commonwealth Act as to......
It Was Announced On Thursday That Lord Justice Lindley Had
resigned the office of Master of the Rolls and been made a Lord of Appeal, and that Sir Richard Webster has succeeded him. Sir Robert Finlay becomes Attorney - General, and Mr.......
In The House Of Lords On Friday Week Lord Lansdowne,
answering Lord Portsmouth, defended the publication of the Spion Kop despatches. His chief point was that the de- spatches having been received, the Government were bound either......
No More Impressive Or Inspiring Eight Has Been Witnessed...
the memory of the present generation than the march of the Naval Brigade through London on Monday. The bluejackets from Ladysmith, headed by Captain Lambton of the Powerful,'......
On Tuesday The Bishop Of Winchester Moved In The House
of Lords that legislative effect should be given to such recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Licensing Laws as were common to the Majority and Minority Reports. Lord......
Major Rasch's Motion To Limit Speeches Other Than Those...
by Ministers, ex-Ministers, or movers of a Bill or Resolution to twenty minutes' duration, furnished the House of Commons with an hour's excellent entertainment on Tuesday......
Mr. Macneill Once More Proposed On Tuesday That No Minister
of the Crown should in future be a director of a public company, alleging that 32 per cent. of the Ministry held directorships, and hinting that the present war had been caused......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. New Consols (2i) Were On
Friday 1001.......